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Appreciation / Remedy / Good and Evil /

AppreciationShop on Walmart

Cultivate the habit of saying ''Thank you''.

Regardless of how little a gift is, one should cultivate the habit of showing appreciation.
Children receive gifts from their Mothers, Fathers, Teachers and other relatives or friends.
But children must be careful not to receive gifts from strangers.
Children also receive gifts on different occasions.
For instance, in the school, pupils/stud nets receive gifts at the end of year activities for punctuality and excellent academic performance.

RemedyShop on Wamart

Remedy is to correct a bad behavior or situation.

1)When an individual offends you, report the matter to your Parents at home or Teachers at school.
2) Avoid retaliation.
3)When you sustain injury or fall ill, report immediately to your Parents or Teachers.
4)Always seek advice from elders.


Good and evilShop on Walmart

The action of an individual, to a great extent, emanates from the conscience.

Conscience means the power of mind in an individual.

It is the in built mechanism of what is right or wrong.
The mind decides to do good or evil.

The power of nature in an individual determines the choice between good or evil.

Put in great efforts to do good always.

Shop on WalmartKindness

Kindness is an act of exhibiting the goodness in us to our friends and those we do not know.

People should always do well wherever they find themselves.

Be good friends, parents, brothers, sisters, and relations.

Interestingly, without the parent's loving care and kindness, an individual would not have possessed the necessary guidance as a child.
Display kindness to the young and old.
Render assistance the needy and disabled.
Always be kind to everyone that you come across by being considerate.

Reward of Kindness

1) Everybody takes interest in a kind person.

2)People reciprocate kindness.

3)A kind individual receives goodwill.

4)People are ready to assist one who is kind.


Who Are Elders ? / Be Positive / Courtesy

EldersElders include :
1) Our parents 2)Our Brothers and Sisters
3)Our Teachers and Superiors at work 4) Other people who are older than us.
Respect For Elders
1)Greeting our Parents in the morning and at other times of the day at home and greeting our Teachers at school.
2) Obeying our Parents, Teachers, and other elders.
3)Listen to advice from elders.
4)Vacate a seat for an elder in any public place.
5)Assist elders in whatever you notice they engage in.
6)Carry out home chores, perform assigned duties at school and at work.
7)Make use of respectful choice of words in discussion sessions with elders.

PositiveThe few minutes you devote each day to self- improvement goes a long way.

Cultivate the habit of watching the way you live, by controlling your thoughts. Always think positive and act positively.
Don't be the slave of ignorance, fear, anxiety, petty irritations and the insignificant frictions of life,otherwise, you will encourage disease, premature old age and early death. Live positively.


CourtesyCourtesy implies politeness, respect or regard. At all times we must show courtesy to those older than us

Showing Courtesy to Elders

1) Assisting elders in whatever they are doing that needs assistance.

2) We should not exchange derogatory or abusive words with elders.

3) Always obey elders.

4) Stand up for elders in public places for them to sit down.

Courtesy of Home

1)  Children should form the habit of greeting their parents and others that are older than them at all times.

2) They should assist in domestic work.

3) They should also learn how to behave in public from home.

Courtesy of School

1)  Children should respect and obey their Teachers

2) They should never argue with their Teachers.

3) They should also be attentive and concentrate in class

Courtesy in Speaking 

1) Children should speak politely to those older than them.

2)They should always use words such as ''please sir/madam''. and ''thank you''.

2)Avoid rudeness

3) Listen to advice from elders.

4) Avoid abusing or ignoring elders.

Decency / Value for the Home / Etiquette

DecencyDecency revolves on respectable behavior in society.

This include the use of polite words in our daily interaction, proper dressing and the display of good manners.

The extent to which we exhibit decency goes a long way in projecting the nature of the family we come from.

We should endeavor to project the image of our families in good light.

Value for the homeChildren have to cultivate the habit of caring for valuables in the home.

In the light of this, parents should teach their children all about taking care of valuables in the home.


1) Not to deface or damage the wall with dirty objects.

2)Not to write on the wall.

3)Not to paste papers or posters on the wall

4) To care for the windows with glass

5)To care for the furniture and other appliances in the home 6)To keep the home and its surroundings clean at all times.

Value for Personal Possessions

Parents love their children that is why they buy toys for them. In this wise, children should take care of all that is bought for them.

For instance, you must not ride your bicycle recklessly and when it has a fault, contact the repairer.

You must also keep your clothes clean and tidy always, while you must avoid anything that would damage your clothes.

EttiquetteRules of Manners and Good Behaviour

An individual cannot live in isolation, you have to interact with others.

You need your parents, Teachers and friends.

Behave rightly at all times,avoid fighting and quarreling.

Follow the laid down rules and regulations of the land and also, respect acceptable culture and tradition.

Getting Along With Others / Self-Control /Contentment

People getting along togetherGood relationship with others is the basis for peace in the society.

Be careful the kind of friends you make.

You have to be wise and selective in your choice of friends, avoid dubious characters, as such may portray you in bad light.

Always welcome visitors, entertain them, but be cautious the manner in which you welcome visitors into your home.

Never borrow money to entertain friends, if you have nothing, don't go out of your way.

Self-control means the ability to keep our behaviour and temper under constant check.

Self controlWe should cultivate the habit of addressing people politely, even at the point of provocation.

Children who do not control their speech, usually get into trouble.

It is imperative for us to think very well before we speak to avoid unpleasant situations.

We should try as much as possible to avoid loose and careless utterances while opting for a respectful choice of words.

Ensuring Self-Control

1)Avoid abusive words.

2)Obey instructions

3) Steer clear of violence

4)Do not commit crime

5)Avoid heated arguments

6)Always be polite

7)Be humble

8)Control your feelings

ContentmentContentment is when an individual is satisfied with his or her limited possessions.

We must be happy with the little we have, while also living within our means.

People should shun greed and other acts which could attract envy and jealousy.

These days, most people lack contentment, this has resulted in the upward movement of the crime rate in most societies.

This is not good for the younger generation.


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