Human Life and Self-Interest

Human life is precious, invaluable, and God's creation. This position is held by millions all over the world.
However, to some, human life no longer has value, perhaps 1 million Naira or 10 million Naira , whatever the value, self-interest prefers to set aside 100 million Naira for damaged property.
indeed, thousands of innocent lives have been lost in the past nearly six years as a result of self-interest, rather than the interest of the people; even as the conspiracy of silence takes over the landscape. Self-interest looks the other way when acts of commission or omission resulted in the death of a casual worker in a factory despite public outcry.
A sizable number are inhumane and heartless but adopt human-friendly initiatives as smoke screens.
In the face of the continued shedding of human blood, some pretend all is well. Why? Pecuniary interests 
have overwhelmed the human psyche in a specified number of individuals, just as impunity continues due to the connivance of those in 'charge',
At present in several countries of the world, intimidation, harassment, attacks, kidnappings, and killings have become the tools of governance while the foot soldiers are well known to those in 'charge'.


Governance Nigeria

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