
Vigilance by Prof.Sabitu Olagoke

Prof 2Vigilance is natural that phenomenon that is expected to be exhibited to live a protected lifestyle to avoid various forms of disaster from predators among animals and even insects.
This value is considered in the design of their places of abode. For example, the birds build their nests in vantage areas where they would easily perceive or smell the possible approach of enemies to be proactive in escaping or to attack.
The bees prefer to build their hives in high places where they cluster together with such division of labor that puts soldiers in strategic positions to keep watch on the colony.
Sadly, among humans vigilance is fraught with deceit and greed, thereby making an individual, family, or community to be off guard.
Vigilance therefore should be part of disciplines to be learned formally or informally to protect lives and property in addition to interests.
Ritual killers usually build their houses in isolated areas and decorate in ways that would not expose them and their heinous trade. Their agents are members of communities, who lead unsuspicious lifestyles which deceive their potential victims. 

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When family members organize search parties to look for their missing ones, the agents of the ritualists are also part of the search party-they observe every step by the party, and send reports to their sponsors.
Generally, people have to be very cautious and suspicious of the kind of transactions they engage in, in addition to the kind of friends they keep. For example, several people have lost their lives through food or drink poisoning from those they rely on and trust.
Our training therefore must reawaken the security consciousness in us. We should be very sensitive, alert at all times, and watchful to guard against unforeseen circumstances.
We must all individually and collectively take responsibility for the security of our homes, places of work, and communities by taking note of the people in our environment as is expected of every Landlords and Tenants association at the local level, while the security agencies should carry out their statutory responsibilities professionally within the country and at the borders.


Prof. Sabitu Olagoke Vigilance

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