
Restoration of Attitudinal Values and the Change Agent Culture

ProfIn every sane nation, the focus of Government and parents includes, among others, the development of their children with particular reference to the youth.
The Bible states that just as weapons of war are better appreciated in the hands of the warriors, children as precious as they are, are not only the pillars of support of their parents but are sources of joy for that make their parents grow old gracefully if such children have been reared well into to becoming future leaders.
The question now lies on why successive governments in Nigeria have allowed value deterioration in the system to the level of rubbishing the institutions of marriage on the ethical process to from happy homes, which has contributed to the grievous losses in motherhood, essence, good parenting, and series of further value deterioration for us to witness orgies of anti-societal phenomena.
Profanity in the houses of God has disrupted the core value of expected sacredness, making all houses of God to be unsafe for mankind in the 21st century.
Schools that used to reform with glorious added values and which our children attended are no longer bequeathable legacies that cater for the future of our children. The present state of education now dehumanizes society, thus making the certificates to be mere legal tender, but without having the quality of attitudinal value expected from the careers.
In those days, parents always had respite, when their children were living in educational institutions' quarters or boarding schools, but today, prostitution is now a source of livelihood, while cultism and occultism have now taken over the education atmosphere, going to school is no longer a guarantee to secure jobs, making efforts to graduate from the various schools a mere wasteful exercise under the slogan-those who know their way have their way-merit in certification no longer exists, since these days, human survival depends squarely on an individual's ability to operate under quick money-making syndrome-
419, Yahoo Yahoo, and various other ritual methods to be prosperous. Thieves build very mighty houses and use the best of the developed nations' products to be celebrated as people in affluence with influence.
The challenge of Nigeria in the first republic on the issue of contract cost inflationary trend and nepotism for their people to have their way that brought about the first military coup led by Kaduna Nzeogwu is an abandoned correctional factor to the detriment of having peaceful co-existence and sustainable development. The present government stance on the need to be change agents through the restoration of institutional discipline and zero tolerance for corruption to the best of objective and unbiased assessment is equally a failure.
The background influences that are strengthening the menace of jettisoning corporate governance, credible leadership, organization, and professional ethical practices is fundamentally the failure of the agents of socialization, without revisiting all these by rebuilding all our structure of support to meet up with quality and standard embedded in global best practices in the present competitive world will ever make Africa and Nigeria a dumping site of anti-social activities to the detriment of our future and that of our children.
Regrettably, therefore, we are now in a situation of non-bequeathable heritage for the children. Quran 16: 112 give us a vivid picture of Nigeria in the past and present with all the fears of how the future shall look like. ''Allah set forth a parable: A city enjoys  security  and quiet, abundantly supplied with sustenance from every place: Yet was it ungrateful for the favors of Allah:  So Allah made it taste of hunger and terror in extremes closing on it like a garment form every side because of the evil which its people rought.''
Against the above backdrop, we can infer that Nigeria's problem mainly is sourced from the bad attitudinal challenge, as well as deceptive spiritual propaganda, making us be self-centered while in power and highly fraudulent to the amazement of the developed nations that roll out grants for us to be able to seize the advantage of the 8 point agenda of the Millenium Development Goals(MDG) and the 17 point agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals(SDG). We have failed as a nation even to produce the raw materials for our sustenance, while we fail to appreciate to have appropriate technology for mass production, with the mental instability of a mentally deranged man we pile up wealth for selfish reasons and we fail to use our commonwealth to go round equitably for us to find ourselves in a messy situation of insurgency and terrorism.
When are we going to wake up to start doing the needful?  The Holy Quran 5: 62-63 x-rays our present beastly nature and challenge the authority of those saddled with the responsibilities. ''Many of them dost thou see raising each other in sin and transgression and their eating of things that are forbidden, evil indeed are the things that they do. Why do no the Rabbis and the Doctors of Law forbid them from their habits of uttering sinful words and eating things forbidden? Evil indeed is their works.''
All of us are stakeholders in ensuring that bequeathable legacies are given our children and our youth for Nigeria not to regret in the future among the committee of nations. My advice, therefore,  is in line with the provisions of Quran 47: 35, ''Be not weary and faint-hearted crying for peace  when ye  are the Uppermost: For Allah is with you  and will never put you in lose for your good deeds.'' 
In conclusion, let us heed this admonition of Prov. 22: 23, '' It is easy t steal from the poor people, but don't do it. And don't take advantage of those people in court, the Lord is on their side. He supports them and He will take things away from any person that takes from them.'' Beware Quo Vadis.

Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria


Change Agent Attitude Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

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