

Sympathy is the act of identifying with people in their times of grief.

It is proper to show sympathy to those who find themselves in unfortunate circumstances.

Always sympathize with those in bad condition or who find themselves in one form of difficulty or the other.

Difficult Situations include natural disaster, accident, economic recession or depression, fire incident and violence among others.

Keeping Children Busy / Cooperation

Children 2Children should be encouraged to join voluntary organizations.

These voluntary organizations go a long way in molding the character and behaviour of children.

Parents and guardians have the responsibility to ensure that their children and wards engage in indoor and out door games.

Indoor Games : Scrabble, Monopoly, Ludo etc. Outdoor Games : Table Tennis, Volley ball, Handball, Football, Athletics etc.

Sadly, in a number of societies, parents aid and abet their children to commit crimes.

Voluntary Organizations 1)The Boys Scouts Association 2) The Girls Guide Association 3) The Red Cross Society among several others.


Cooperation Cooperation is the act of working together with others to achieve a common goal or objective. Working together ensures positive development in society. Children 3COOPERATION AT HOME As children, it is imperative for us to cooperate with other members of our family, in order to make the home a better place. Children must assist in : 1) The kitchen 2) Caring for their younger ones. 3) Caring for pets. 4)Cleaning the home and washing utensils 5)Going on errands. In the same vein, the Father must fulfill his domestic obligations, which include providing shelter, feeding and clothing. In addition, the Father takes care of all the financial bills of the children, while the Mother takes effective care of the home. In some societies, the reverse is the case. This is worrisome. COOPERATION AT SCHOOL Children must always be punctual and regular in school. Children must also do all their school work, be it academic or non-academic. The need to cooperate with classmates, class monitors and others should be inculcated in children. They must obey rules and regulations of the school. BENEFITS OF COOPERATION 1)Children who cooperate are not punished. 2)They are obedient, all the time. 3)They make sure they do all their class and homework. 4)They also carry out any other assignments given to them in school, without complain.

Sympathy Children Cooperation

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