
Wo 1

World Bank President makes Case for Women

WoThe World Bank Group President, David Malpass has stressed the need for women to be included in the running of the economies of countries of the world.
Malpass made this disclosure in a Press Release dated 23 February 2021.
“Despite progress in many countries, there have been troubling reversals in a few, including restricting women’s travel without the permission of a male guardian. This pandemic has exacerbated existing inequalities that disadvantage girls and women, including barriers to attend school and maintain jobs. Women are also facing a rise in domestic violence and health and safety challenges. Women should have the same access to finance and the same rights to inheritance as men and must be at the center of our efforts toward an inclusive and resilient recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.” the World Bank President stated.



The Endorsement of Criminality

 C2The unabating crime and criminality in Molusi/Solanke/Oyegbami/Olorunsogo/Oshodi/ Scout Camp/Felele communities among several others in Ibadan, Oyo state can be partly attributed to the activities of Okada riders, artisans, and petty traders who are non-residents.
In these communities, the criminals take refuge in shops, beer parlors, food canteens, and deserted buildings with the consent of criminally-minded residents and community leaders.
These criminals are brazen and daring as a result of the unwavering support from a number of knowns, but unnamed  enforcement
masquerading as a vulcanizer, spare parts seller nf Okada riders led by on brother Bayo, who is always high on ''Ogoggor'' have overtime committed grievous and heinous crimes.
Interestingly a number of politically exposed persons have for long acted in condemnable ways in these communities, which are now breeding grounds for young criminals.
The attitude of those in charge towards the ugly trend is suggestive of officially endorsing criminality.


G 1

The Lord is Your Strength

G 2                                                                                             Psalm 22 : 19

                                                                                             19 But you, LORD, do not be far from me. You are my strength; come quickly to help me.


The Essence of Peace

Prof 1Peace has intrinsic and extrinsic value worth, fundamentally when the physiological need is met by an individual, he would be at peace with himself, this is when he could lay claim to having the tranquility of the mind.
However, inner peace may have truncated when the environment turns hostile. This is when the security of the environment is threatened for man to live in fear, if not running helter-skelter to get a safe environment for habitation. This applies to the various situation in the home, community, society at large, and the nation.
On the home front, the leadership question becomes an issue of paramount importance hence the need to have a family head, who will charismatic enough to protect, provide, and defend the cause of all the family members.
For the nation, leadership spans through the local community the state, and the country with the executive functions on the issue of peace, social justice, and accelerated development to be respectively by the Local Government Chairman, the State Governor, and  Mr. President.
The leadership question is, therefore, the bedrock of governance, this is why the emphasis is always on credibility, competence, good attitudinal values towards work ethics, and characteristic value of timely response to people's yearnings and demands.
Governance, therefore, needs to be seen through the perspective of credible leadership for result-oriented activities of appointed or elected leaders in governance to be able to effect peace within and around the environment most especially in the areas of jurisdiction spanning our specific and particular geographical contraption.
Amalgamation in several nations did not consider the necessary factors of emotional outbursts that may emanate from the fusion of people of different tribes and ethnic leanings which naturally is expected to be characterized by different ways of perceiving the same issues.


Peace is sacrosanct to mutual existence, this is why from the religious perspective the fear of the creator to check our excesses and the keeping of good neighborliness become highly significant as a code of exemplary lifestyles which the environment of governance needs to grow and succeed.
To the people generally, there is always a need for credible leadership, starting from the homefront to the government level to drive the affairs of the people into rational, socio-economic buoyancy to have a virile nation in which people's wellness is taken care of to be able to have a prosperous nation.
The essence of education is to empower the people to be strong and viable enough to articulate human and material resources justly into harnessing enough power to transform erstwhile arid land into a fertile one that would be a characteristic of a well-developed nation while doing this, the people must be mindful of possible internal wranglings and external aggression.
Governance demands rulership by conscience and that the government activities must be problem-solving for the people to be at peace with themselves.
Leaders, therefore, must not only be visionary but must be ready to sacrifice their pleasure in walking the talk for the people to live well in esteem.
Leaders must, therefore, garner sufficient experience in the areas of political science, administration, and management.
Leadership credibility at the same time must span through the regimes of moral discipline, integrity, transparency, loyalty without insubordination, accountability to be able to play the role model of a total personality in the areas of prudent spending and high sense of forgiveness, philanthropy, and altruistic philosophy.
With all these qualities in place, the factors of safety and security must have been entrenched for the peace need to be naturally and strongly idolized into our cultural psyche.
When a nation and its people are able to adopt and adapt all these concepts in governance, the objective of democracy as a government of the people, by the people, and for the people would have been met because nobody would have any cause to steal other people's property or possess what does not necessarily belong to them.
Justice and equity will ever supply peace and sustainable development, provided we allow divine interventions to direct the affairs of a nation through the adoption of the concept of a positive mindset.
All these must be made to function in our teaching and learning methodology spanning through our awareness and consciousness about our culture, proper orientation in our educational revolution, and functional religious activities that are value-laden into adherents' good state of scripture compliance.
Products of these three spheres of life will, undoubtedly, imbibe the culture of integrity, moral discipline, body preservation from sins and crimes, and soul purification from devilish thought processes in our political affairs for our politicians to give us good governance, peace, and sustainable development with a naturally occurring safety and security in our day to day interpersonal processes in our tongues and tribes differ.

Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria


Rwanda Generates Revenue from Flower

Rw 1The National Agricultural Export Development Board (NAEB)in Rwanda has disclosed that the country exported 43,237 kilograms of flowers, earning $467,544 (Rwf456 million) in the first week of February.
According to NAEB the figures reflect a sharp rise in exports when compared to the previous week when the country exported 19,235 kilograms of flowers, which fetched $126,131 (Rwf123 million).
The data suggests that flower export volumes increased by more than 200 percent while revenues rose by over 300 percent.
It attributed the rise to the increase in demand ahead of the February 14 Valentine’s Day.
Pie Ntwari, the NAEB Communication Specialist said, ''Valentine’s [Day] preparation worldwide has led to more demand for the product.” 



Man and Deceit

Deceit 1Deceit from the perspective of the Yoruba proverbs and aphorism is allegorical to having double tongues in one mouth or spitting saliva when intentionally you want to spit venom or blood.

From the religious perspective, it could be likened to a person wearing the cloak of a sheep over a lion heart with diabolical intentions to stealthily devour one's perceived victim or prey.

Generally, you become a deceiver when openly you say no, while in your heart you mean yes.

All these are intrinsic in worth because there is no Art or Science in which we can know the construction of the heart on the face. When intentions are hidden but diabolical, it is cooked in the heart or the mind of man, to be regarded as sin, but when the real intent is physically carried out with consequential effect of injuries on a neighbor or friend it is then regarded as crimes.

Faith-based organizations are expected to work on the intrinsic signals of danger in man at its gestation level so that sins do not develop into crimes.

When a family or society is not sensitive enough to the rising profile of sins into crimes in their children or the people, the tendency for the family to harbor future disaffection for a destructive future is already laid as a foundation of doom. 

This is why some families today, have a bad legacy of jinx or records of criminalities including the veins of Timocracy for the society to later degenerate in moral values that would eventually endanger the society into experiences of insecurity.

The game of deceit is therefore foundational as observable characteristics in all children born into a family for the parents to timely work on themselves to correct the heresies of their past so that we would be able to effectively manage the child-rearing need of their wards.

Where deceit has become cultural, the system would suffer from the various bad characteristics, even when subordinates boot-lick they may easily strike and have their way to disrupt and destroy the system. In Africa generally, deceit is the root of our underdevelopment: political party manifestoes are easily deviated from when such a political party emerges as the government of the day.

Since the composition of the people that form the parties may have different interests and goals. Such people only throw their loyalty to the people and the party and identify with the causes of the masses only to turn around against them after successfully wrestling power.

Deceit, therefore, is a disease that is more deadly than cancer because it has infectious nature that spreads rapidly without notice to eventually destroy the system of governance making leaders disappoint the people and lose their trust. 

This is why we will continue to search for messiahs in life till the end of the world because we would continue to be deceived by those people who promised to make the system work, swearing to all oath which they would never mind thereafter.

Deceit is rated to be the number one enemy of the people that is more viscose for man to thread the land.

Deceit as a way of life, in Yoruba parlance eventually led the tortoise to tame the elephant. While we need to role model virtues, trust, loyalty, and confidence in society as elder statesmen we must use all these values to mentor the upcoming to desist from a craze of materialism but uphold the dignity of labor, while we will equally provide the right environment for the development of the youth.

Anation that heeds this warning would not go through the various traumatic experiences of the present time-retrogression, killings, kidnappings, quick money-making syndrome among others.

Is this not the basis of nations recording rising profile in unemployment, corruption, and poverty indices. When we stop the game of deceit all economic equations and chemistry of democracy will become functionally applicable in processing, developing, and equitably distributing our naturally endowed resources by nature from God.

Deceit has made several nations build strong individuals who continue to destroy and oppress their fellow human beings at the expense of building strong and virile nations. Deceit between individuals wrestling for power has led nations into war-making them believe that they are fighting for their rights which they were fundamentally fighting to build empires for themselves and their families.

Using all these yardsticks to SWOT analyze conditions of all nations, it is not an overstatement to say that the game of deceit, in most cases, has been responsible for the cumulative effect of trauma experienced to date.

Destroy the culture of deceit to its root today, to be abl to promote bequeathable legacy been prescribed by the United Nations under its definition of the real meaning of sustainable development, otherwise, the culture of deceit will never allow any nation to achieve it.

Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria


God's Love

1 John 4-7

7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.

God 1God 2

Togo 1

Togo Moves Against Fraud

Togo 2The Togolese Government has introduced a new policy that requires that those involved in business transactions must be identified failure of which will attract appropriate sanctions.

The policy is targeted at curtailing fraudulent and shady transactions within the country.

The authorities further disclosed that the penalty for flouting the law will be met with a fine equivalent of 50 percent of the transaction’s value. 

The penalty is set by the 2021 Tax Procedure Book.

When the beneficiary of a shady transaction is not identified, parties involved will equally share the payment of the tax associated with the operation as well as a fine equivalent to 50% of the transaction’s value. 

This rule forces those doing business together to primarily identify their clients or suppliers to avoid transactions they carry out from being defined as fake or shady. 

It will make it easier for the tax authority to verify the authenticity of amounts declared, and if business partners are real or fake. Ultimately, the goal of the measure is, according to sources from Togo’s Tax Office (OTR), to fight tax evasion and tax fraud. When parties involved in a transaction are not identified, the person who collected the VAT does not transfer it into our accounts. 



Pol 1

Insincerity Pervades All Levels of Govt because......Prof. Olagoke

Prof 1Nigerians have continually expressed reservations over the  deliberate lack of sincerity among all those responsible for governance at all levels.
This has brought about several distortions in facts and figures in every sector of the economy. In this interview, the Founder, Spiritual Head, and Grand Imam, Shafaudeeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke opines that Nigeria's history has brought in its wake insincerity in governance at all levels. Excerpts : 

Why do you think the lack of sincerity is widespread cutting across all levels of governance in Nigeria?

In the past in Nigeria, ideological goals always mark the differences in political formations and the type of governance to be offered by any of the parties in charge of governance at any point in time.
The leadership of such parties in the past used to follow the concept of algebra equation, where only like terms can be added or subtracted.
People, therefore, joined political parties based on their beliefs and interests.
Political parties under these conditions were easy to manage by the leaders and issues of easy decampment from a political party to another based on seeking better grounds, was not all that common.
For example, when the world was chiefly divided into ideological goals of capitalism or socialism, progressives were known to be people-oriented, while the capitalists were regarded as conservative oppressors who cared less about the people but care more about the gains of business through political interests.
The sincerity of purpose was, therefore, the order of the day because the type of leaders was easily identified with the kind of governance they would ideologically offer.
In Nigeria, the evolutional trend of political governance starting from the days of the colonial masters, discipline was the order of the day and the common challenge was how to drive out the perceived white oppressors who were considered to be alien to continue to dominate our political, social and economic lives.

Pol 2
Though the hurting effects of tribalism and ethnicity were there, the common challenge of having a liberated nation formed out of the 1914 amalgamation preoccupied the united front formed by the founding fathers who struggled to fight for Nigeria's independence.
The culture of insincerity in governance then emerged because trust and loyalty had been murdered in the unfinished job of cleansing the nation through the bloody coup. The power struggle and power-sharing, therefore, became an issue of political hidden agenda as it reflected in the characteristic double tongues of the politicians and the emerging constitutions of 1979 and  1999 with which they were operating the governance agenda of the nation.
Lack of sincerity, therefore, became cultural and endemic affecting all spheres of our lives down to the core values of our integrity spreading over all agents of socialization-several homes are now formed through insincere pledges between intending couples, while along the line the sacredness of the institutions of marriages is put in danger.
Insincerity if not specifically addressed, may eventually reduce the quality of human capital down to the class of doubtful certification.
Insincerity in the religious terrain has led Nigerians into regrettable life of perversion because even religious leaders are found wanting of not been scripture compliant when the teacher is empty one can imagine the stuff their products are made of.
Nigerians are now thrown into the world of craze for material wealth and less spirituality.
The question of just worship and holiness ofGod now seem to be a mere waste of time by the few that care about the future of humanity because without God's divine intervention those who labor are doing so in vain. Is this not the basis for the various acts of terrorism, violence, and bloodshed?
How many of our houses of God can claim to still uphold the sacredness of religious sanctity when every one of us can attest to that most of these houses of God have become profane houses of promiscuities, iniquities, and havens of criminals. When Nigerians pass through the culture of insincerity to God, one can best imagine how the future of the next generation would look like.
The religious sphere is expected to cleanse the land of transgression and corrupt practices. A timely intervention by all stakeholders, the government, parents, teachers, professional bodies, religious leaders, and traditional rulers would do a lot of good for the country.
Suffice it now to say that a new Nigeria should emerge by offering necessary amendments to sectors that are ailing and the restructuring of the order of things beyond our considerations for mere material things. Only a nation built on the foundation of truth can survive the ordeals of life against all odds.





E and g

Evil, Good and Peace

Psalm 34 : 14

14 Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.

E and g 1E and g 4E and g 2E and g 3